

Today I went to university. I haven't been there for about a month.

I got up early. I got up at eight. I was very sleepy.

Recently I have got up at noon. So I wanted to sleep more. But soon spring semester will begin.

So I have to be used to get up early. I decided to start making lunch since next month.

I lived dormitory last month. So I can't cook. But I live by myself now. So I try to cook!

I can't cook very much now. But I want to cook very well!


Roll cabbage

I made roll cabbage this night.

I had never made it.

My mother taught me how to cook.

First, I cut a cabbage. Then I boiled it.

Second, I mixed meat, onion, milk, egg, and salt.

Third, I wraped them by cabbge.

Forth,I boiled them.

Finally, I added seasoning.

My family ate them. It was very delicious. I decided to cook it again!


I noticed that I have been eating too much.

I grew fatter than last year.

I like eating.

Especially I like sweets.

But it makes me more fatter.

So I decided not to eat too much.


Spring vacation

Now it have passed forty five days since spring vacation had started.

I think it is very fast to pass a day. Then, I am not studying too much.

I decide to study everyday now.

I study more harder than last semester.

I enjoy to study!