In speaking class, we have to answer some interview questions. So I had to consider the question's answer. I have considered that. So I write it now.
1, Tell me about your self?
My name is Yui. I am twenty years old. I am Kumamoto Gakuen University student. I major in English, so I study English everyday. My hometown is Saga. So I live by myself. I am a member of softball club. So I play softball five days a week. I like to play softball very much. My hobby is doing furfing. I like surfing very much. I go to MIyazaki once a week to do surfing.
2, What is your great strength?
I can keep doing something. I don't give up anytime. I have played softball since I entered this University. To practice is very hard. Especially summer and winter. Summer is very hot and winter is very cold outside. So it is very hard, but I never given up, so I can keep doing what I decided to do.
3,What is your weakness?
I am not good at getting up in the morning. I always go to bed early, but sometimes I get up late. When I was a high school student, I often get up late. But I try to get up on time. I bought many alarm clocks.
4, Why do you want to leave present position?
I am an university student, but I want to learn many things. To work is very hard, but I can learn many things that I can't learn now. I want to be a police woman. Then I want to keep this town a good place to live, because I like Kumamoto very much.
5, Why should we hire you?
Because my zeal for this work is very high. I have wanted to be a police woman since I was a junior high school student. If you hire me, I work as hard as I can. I have played softball for a long time, so I have much power to work.
6, Where can you see five years later?
I will be working as a police woman in Kumamoto. I will be a traffic warden. I will do road safety compaign, I will go to nursery school, then I will tell them rule of traffic. I will keep Kumamoto a good place to live.
7, Where do you want to work? Place, ideal company?
I want to work in Kumamoto, because people in Kumamoto are very kind, and there are much nature and buildings, so I like Kumamoto very much. There, I want to be a police woman who is reliable. I want to work a police box which everyone can relieve.
8,Why do you want to work this company?
Because I wanted to be a police woman for a long time. I like Kumamoto very much, but there are many crimes in Kumamoto. It is a pity, so I want to make Kumamoto a good place to live, so I want to work this company.
9, Why don't you work now?
Because I am a University student. To be a police woman, I have to study a lot. I must study economic, law and English. There are many foreign people in Japan, so I must speak English well. I have to study to be a police woman.
10, What book have you read lately?
I read an Enhlish book. To read English books is very good way to improve English. When I become a police woman, I may come in contact with foreigner. So I have to study English, so I often read English books.
11,If your work was criticized, what would you do?
Everyone has different ideas, so some people may agree with my work, some people may not. But it is natural. When I play softball, sometimes I am criticized by my team mates. But I receive those opinion. Those may become good for me. So when my work was criticized, I recieve that.
12, What are your outside interests?
I like to exercise. I like sports very much. So I play softball five days a week and I do surfing once a week. And I like running. I often run outside at night. I like fishing too. I am not good at fishing, but when I get fishes, I am glad. I like to listening to music. I often listen EXILE, Miriya Kato etc.
13, What do you think of reporting to a younger person or woman?
I don't care. When I was working at a part time job, I worked with a woman who was younger than I. I was taught many things from her. And I can use honorific to a younger person, so I don't care about reporting to a younger person.
14, Can you lie for the company?
I can't lie for the company, because it is not good to lie. I think that at first it may look good, but after that it must be bad for the company. I think police must be honest.
15,Looking back, what would you do in your life?
I have done what I wanted to do. I tried many things. Sometimes I failed, but I tried as hard as I could, so I don't regret anything. So I am satisfied with my life.
16,Can you work under pressure?
Yes, I can. I am always quietly. I seldom panic. If I am involved with hard work, I can consider calmly. So I can work under pressure.
17,What makes you angry?
I don't like person who lie. So when a people lie to me, I get angry very much. I think it is very important to keep good relationship. So people wholie makes me angry.
18, Who inspired you in your life? Why?
My high school teacher has inspired in my life, because she taught me many things. When I was a high school student, I wanted to leave high school. So I often absented high school. But my teacher persuaded that I went to school. Because of the teacher, I graduated from high school and I can go to University now.
19, What was the toughest decision you had ever made.
To decide University was the toughest decision I ever had to make. My parents wanted me to go to University in Saga, because my hometown is Saga. But in that Universty, I can't study English and go abroad. So I wanted to go to Kumamoto. But if I go to Kumamoto, I have to live by myself. So I worried about it. But I wanted to study English and go abroad. So I decided to go to Kumamoto.
20, What was the most boring job you ever had?
I worked at part time job in supermarket. I had handed out leafrets to many customers for six hours. It was only to handed out to keep standing. My feet and arms hurted. So the job was the most boring job I ever had.
21, We worry about your English ability.
I am not satisfied with my English ability too. But I like English very much and I want to study English, so next month I will go to Australia for a month. I think that I will be able to learn English a lot in Australia. So I will try to talk with Australian people in English many times.
22, Can you work at nights and weekends?
I want to be a police woman. I know that police have to work nights and weekends. It may be hard and busy. But crimes and accidents may happen at nights and weekends, so I don't care about working at nights and weekends.
23, Do you like to relocate or traveling?
I like to travel very much. I can drive a car and I like to travel. So I often travel by my car, and I will go to Okinawa next month. I can eat delicious foods and I can see beautiful sea. And it doesn't matter to relocate, because my father's job is a banker. So when I was a child, my father relocated many times. So I used to relocate. I can make new friends.
24, If your bos suggested you an idea which you doesn't like, what would you do?
I am honest. So I can't lie. I tell to the bos my idea. People has some different ideas. So the bosmay like my idea or may not. But it is no matter. To tell my idea is important. I think it is not good not to tell own idea.
25,Can I contact your teacher?
Yes, my high school teacher knows about me very much. She is a honest woman, so she must tell truth. She will tell you what I did when I was a high school student.
26, Please tell me your creativity?
I like to exercise very much. So I exercise everyday, because to be a police, I need strength. Then I made my special menu. The menu is running, muscle training, swinging a bat. It is hard for me, but I enjoy it.
27,Where do you use your improvement?
I keep watching news TV. To know economy in Japan is very important to be a police. And I keep writing blogs in English. Foreign people live Kumamoto too. So I have to study English. To keep writing blog is good for me.
28, What do you worry about?
I run everyday, but I can't run fast. I am the slowest runner in our softball club. To be a police, I have to run fast. SO I want to run more fast. So I worry about it.
29, How many hours do you study a week?
I study seven hours a week now. I study an hour a day. It is custom. I think it is good for me to keep something. But period of exam, I study more.
30,What do you think the most difficult part about this job?
I think that some people look down on police woman. Some people think that police is man's work. I want to work as hard as police man. So I think it is the most difficult part about this job.
31,What are your goals?
Immediate goal is to live by my saraly. I am helped by my parents now. So I want to live by my saraly, then I want my parents to be relief. Long term goal is to build a family. I want to keep working even if I marry. And I want my child to be happy.
32, How much do you want?
I want about one hundred eighty thousand yen, I think it is average for a police, but if I become to be able to work harder, I want more.
33, What is success?
I think that success is to be happy. I want to live by my saraly. Then I will marry, and I want my child to be happy. I think it is success.
It was very hard to consider those answer!!!!!
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