I have a dog. She has lived my house for about ten years. Her name is Candy. When I was a elementary school student, my parents bought her at a pet shop. She was the prettiest in the pet shop. She was very friendly. So my parents decided to buy her. She is a dachshund. Her color is dark brown. She seldom bite people. I like her very much. But I live in Kumamoto my myself. Candy lives in Saga. So I can't live with her now. I can meet her only three times a year. When I lived in Saga, I always walked outside with her. And I often took a bath with her, slept with her. So when I started to live by myself, I missed her very much. I wanted to meet her very much. But when I go back to Saga during summer vacation and winter vacation, she welcomed me. She follow me. She is very cute. So I fondle her very much. She can make me happy. Do you have a pet?
Today, I went shopping center with my family. First, we ate Chinese dishes. we went to Bamiyan. It is Chinese restaurant. We haven't been there. So we decided to go there. We ordered Chinese noodles soup, fried rice, egg soup, fukahire rice. These were so so. I like Chinese foods. But those were not so good. Then we bought my brother's tennis shoes. My brother belongs tennis club. So he plays tennis everyday. Then we looked for my brother's clothes. I chose his clothes. Then I looked for my clothes. I wanted blue jeans. I found a nice blue jeans. So I tried on that. But it didn't fit me. It was small for me. I was very sad. If I am not fat, I could wear that nice blue jeans. Then I bought fake hair. I put those to my head. My hair style is short hair now. But I want to be long hair style now. So I bought those. Then my mother bought some present for my grandmother and grandfather. Those were sweater, electronic dictionary etc. Then we went back home. We had a good time today.
These days, I keep trying diet. I am care for eating too much and moving my body. These are basic things. Yesterday, I walked about a hour. I walked from my house to Kumamoto station. It was very hard for me. I wore high heels. So it made me more tired. I hurt my feet. I often walk outside at night. Especially I like walking after taking a bath. I feel better. About three months ago, my bicycle was stolen. So I have to walk too. It makes me healthy!
I am very interested in latest fashion. Especially I like clothes and hair style. This winter, I bought many clothes. I went to Fukuoka. There, I bought many tops, skirts, pants. In Kumamoto, there are many shops of clothes. But in Fukuoka, there are more shops than Kumamoto. So I always buy clothes in Fukuoka. When I go to Fukuoka, I use bus. It takes about two hours. So it makes me tired a little. One-way ticket is about 2000 yen. In Fukuoka, there are many restaurants too. I like to eat very much. So I always enjoy eating very much in Fukuoka. Last month, I ate a big parfait. It contains ice cream, chocolate cakes, pocky, pudding, strawberry, banana, fresh cream and apple etc. It was about 1500 yen. It was very delicious. I recommend it to everyone.
The better, many friends live in Fukuoka. I lived in Saga when I was a high school student. Saga is very near from Fukuoka. So many friend moved Fukuoka to go to college. So when I go to Fukuoka, I can meet my friends. I enjoy talking, eating, playing.
I went to Fukuoka when I was a junior high school student for the first time. I was very surprised then, because there are many big buildings and shops. I was very excited. I went then with my mother. I was very excited, so I walked around long time. So my mother was very tired.
I want to Fukuoka in New Years Day very much, because there are many grab bags selled. I want to buy very much. It contains many clothes. I want clothes more. But in New Years Day, there will be many people there. So I think that it is very difficult to buy many brab bags. But I can't lose those! So I will try to buy many grab bags as hard as I can!!!
Have you ever been to Fukuoka? If you have not, you have to go there!!! You must enjoy Fukuoka very much!!! I promise you.
The better, many friends live in Fukuoka. I lived in Saga when I was a high school student. Saga is very near from Fukuoka. So many friend moved Fukuoka to go to college. So when I go to Fukuoka, I can meet my friends. I enjoy talking, eating, playing.
I went to Fukuoka when I was a junior high school student for the first time. I was very surprised then, because there are many big buildings and shops. I was very excited. I went then with my mother. I was very excited, so I walked around long time. So my mother was very tired.
I want to Fukuoka in New Years Day very much, because there are many grab bags selled. I want to buy very much. It contains many clothes. I want clothes more. But in New Years Day, there will be many people there. So I think that it is very difficult to buy many brab bags. But I can't lose those! So I will try to buy many grab bags as hard as I can!!!
Have you ever been to Fukuoka? If you have not, you have to go there!!! You must enjoy Fukuoka very much!!! I promise you.
My mother
Today I introduce my mother. My mother is very fun. I like her very much. So I often go shopping, go eating when I go back to my hometown. She works at a hospital. She works from morning till noon. She have worked there for five years. She works at hospice. There are many patients who became cancer. They can't cure cancer. So doctors soften the pain as hard as they can. So my mother see people dying many times. First, my mother dipressed when she saw people dying. It is natural. She always come in contact patients with smile. So she became good relationship with patients. But those patients soon die. So my mother said to me " I learn many things here."We seldom face with people's dye. So we lose sight of life's importance. Many people kill oneself. Many people kill other people. It is very serious problem. And health is the best important thing. My mother often say to me "I am glad that you are always fine." So we have to take care of our health.
My mother likes to eat very much. I eat a lot. But my mother eat more than I. She likes sweets very much. Yesterday she ate 10 chocolates and a big cake. I was surprised a lot. She cooks very well. When I run into trouble with cooking, I call my mother. Then she tells me how to cook. She is very reliable. I like dishes my mother made. Especially, curry and rice, croquette, hamburger steak. I like those very much. She said to me " I didn't cook very well when I was young." But she practiced a lot. So I will try cook many times!
My mother likes to eat very much. I eat a lot. But my mother eat more than I. She likes sweets very much. Yesterday she ate 10 chocolates and a big cake. I was surprised a lot. She cooks very well. When I run into trouble with cooking, I call my mother. Then she tells me how to cook. She is very reliable. I like dishes my mother made. Especially, curry and rice, croquette, hamburger steak. I like those very much. She said to me " I didn't cook very well when I was young." But she practiced a lot. So I will try cook many times!
Merry Christmas

I had been looking forward to coming Christmas! I like atmosphere of Christmas! There are many kind of illumination. Santa and snow man are very cute. At night, My boy friend and I went to good restaurant. There are many couples there. We ate salad, soup, spaghetti, shrimp, meat and dessert. Those were very delicious. We also drank wine. It was very delicious too. Then we went doing bowling. We enjoyed a lot. We didn't exchange Christmas present, because my birthday and his birthday is December. So we didn't have enough money in December!!! I want a lot of allowance when I go back to my hometown.
My favorite DVD

I like to watching movies. But I don't have enough money, because I don't work at part time job now. So I seldom go to the movie. But these days, I often go to DVD rent shop. I often rent DVD. It takes about 250 yen. It is cheaper than I watch the movie. My favorite DVD is " Beyond the break". It is a story about girls doing surfing! I do surfing too. So it is very interesting for me. It was created by Michael D Jacobs, David Brookwell, Sean Mcnamara. The hroins are Lacey, Birdie, Kai and Dawn. They are very interesting people. They are the member of wave sink. It is famous surfer team in Hawaii. They are professional surfer in Hawaii. They live together. They are high school students. Their coach is Justin. He teach them surfing. He live with them too.
I introduce these girls. First, Lacey lived in San Diego with her mother. When she watched TV, she saw wave sink team doing surfing. So she thought that she wanted to do surfing there too! So she stole her mother's boyfriend's credit card. Then she went to Hawaii. She is a naughty and stubborn girl.
Next, Birdie is kind girl. She help her friends everytime. She is the best natured person in wave sink. She had a boy friend. He is a soldier. A day he told Birdie that he had to go to Iraq because of a war. So he proposed her. But She was still 18. She was too young, and she had dated for one month, and his job was very danger. So she refused the proposal.
Next, Kai is good girl too. She was chosed a tour member going to Bali.
Next, Dawn is a selfishness girl. She is very rich and cute. She likes boys, alcohol and go out for pleasure at night. But she is the best surfer in wave sink.
They encountered many troubles. But they solved those troubles. They live near sea. So they can do surfing everytime they want. I envy about it, because I can't do surfing in Kumamoto. There is no good wave in Kumamoto. So I have to go to Miyazaki. It took about three hours. It made me very tired every time, and it cost a lot. I have to pay 10000 yen every time.
This is my favorite DVD. They are very cool doing surfing!!
serious probrem
I like to write blog, because if I keep writing blog, I can use the computer faster. So my computer skills become better. And, the blog is my important memory. I wrote many things on this blog. So I review the blog, I can remember my days. So writing blog is very good things. But I couldn't write blog many times, because I am busy. But I count my blog's number of letter. Surprisingly, it was 6670. It was very bad. In this semester, I have to write 15000 words. 6670 is very far from that. So I have to write more and more. Now is winter vacation. I will try to do my best. I have free time a lot. So I will search may things, and I will write many things.
book review

I read this book. It was a sport day. So many people flourished. But a mother could not flourish. So the mother was disappointed. But the mother's husband and children gave some present to the mother, because the mother tried as hard as she could. When I was a junior high school student, I came last in a race. I am not good at running.
book review

I read this book. A boy found a bat. But it was broken. So he repaired it. So his friend wanted the bat. So he exchanged the bat to a robot. Then he exchanged many things with his friends. Then finally he got a bicycle! He was a lucky boy! I always exchange my foods and sweets with my friends. So I can eat many things!
book review

I read this book. A father bought a boat. So a family went picnic by the boat. Some trouble happened. But everyone helped each other. So the family didn't get wet. But when they went back home, a car sprinkled water to the family. It was funny and cute story. Yesterday I hung out my washing. Then I went out. But it began to rain. My washing got wet. I was very sad, because I have to wash my clothes again.
Devember 15

I went to Miyazaki to do surfing again. Wave in Miyazaki was very high. So I was afraid about it. About three days ago, I went to Fukuoka to buy wet suit. Before buying, I tried on the suit. It was very difficult for me, because wet suit must fit just size for me. So it must be tight for me, and wet suit made me very hot. So I sweat a lot. So wet suit sticked me. So it took about thirty minutes to wear the suit. It was about 40000 yen. So this was the first time to go to the sea wearing my wet suit! I was very excited too. Then I dive to the sea. The wave was higher than I thought. So I was swallowed up by the waves. Then my boad hit me. I was injured by it.
It hurt me a lot. So next day I went to a hospital to show my injury to a doctor. He took a roentgen. The doctor told me not to do surfing and softball and any other sports. I like to exercise. So I am very sad. I hope that my injury will be good soon.
Essay prep
In answer to these questions.....
1. This country is famous for fish and chips, vegemate, pavlova, tim tam, baklava.
2. The capital is Canberra. The population is 323,004.
3. The square measure is 7,686,850 ㎢.This is the sixth biggest country.
4. Iron ore stone, coal, wool, beef
5. Fishing, bush walking, surfing, gardening
1. This country is famous for fish and chips, vegemate, pavlova, tim tam, baklava.
2. The capital is Canberra. The population is 323,004.
3. The square measure is 7,686,850 ㎢.This is the sixth biggest country.
4. Iron ore stone, coal, wool, beef
5. Fishing, bush walking, surfing, gardening
special dictation
Grammar is the field of listinguistics that covers the conventions governing the use of any given natural language. It includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Each language has its own distinct grammar. "English grammer" is the set of rules of the English language itself. "An English grammar" is a specific study or analysis of these rules. A reference book describing the grammar of a language is called a "Reference grammar" or simply "A grammar" A fully explicit grammar exhaustively describing the grammatical constructions of a language is called a descriptive grammar. As opposed to linguistic prescription. Which tries to enforce the governing rules of how a language is to be used.
Essay prep
I search about Australia. At first, I searched basic information. The capital is Canberra. The most biggest city is Sydney. Australia is the sixth biggest country in the world. The population is about twenty million people. Green and gold are national colors in Australia since 1984. So these colors are used many things. For example, uniforms of soccer, cricket, rugby, etc.
Yesterday we had a listening test. So the day before yesterday I studied at night. We have had listening class for two years. It was not easy. Listening English is difficult, but it is very necessary to talk with foreign people. When I were in New Zealand, it is very difficult to understand what they said. So I always said them to speak to me slowly. But I thought I have to get listening skill. So since I went back to Japan, I tried to improve listening skill in English. So I never absent listening class. But the test was very difficult. It was very difficult to understand what teacher said. I will go to Australia in February. So before I go there, I have to learn English more and more, because I want to talk with my host family a lot. I could not talk with my host family in New Zealand enough. I am sorry about it. So I try to study English!!!
A girl surfer
Today I went Miyazaki to do surfing!!!!!! I was very excited last night. I could not sleep well. It was very cold outside. I wore wet suit. So it was not cold in the sea. But it is very difficult to do surfing. The power of surf was very very strong!!!! So I was involved in surf many times. It was painful. But surfing is very interesting! My boy friend said to me " At first it is very difficult to stan on the surf. But The harder you try, the better you can do!" So I will try to do surfing! It is not easy, but I felt very good! People who can stand on the surf looks very cool! I study surfing reading books, watching DVD. I want to be a good surfer! Then we went to a surf shop. He bought me a surf boad! It is very cute! The color is pink! I like pink very much. It was about 75000yen. So I can do surfing anytime I want. I will go to Australia in Februaly. So I want to do surfing in Australia. So I want to stand on the surf before I go to Australia.
I searched about Christmas in New Zealand and Japan last summer vacation too. So I write that.
Christmas in New Zealand warm up at 24th the best. But when it becomes next day, it becomes quiet again.Most restaurants, shops are closed at 25th. In Japan, most restaurants and shops are open. Many Japanese go there. But people in New Zealand, spend Christmas at home. People invite relatives, and they enjoy having a luxurious food from lunch. They wear pixie hats, and they have crackers. Some papers written joke go out from those crackers. Then they read those, they laugh. The main dish is a turkey. It is standard food. And we often see people who have a barbecue.In Japan if we spend Christmas at home, many people eat turkey too. But few people barbecue in Japan.
Time in New Zealand delays an hour during summer. It is called Summer Time. It becomes dark at 10 o'clock at Christmas. Many people do water skiing in a lake at 9 or 10 in the evening. After eating dinner, there are a lot of time to play. Christmas in New Zealand continur after 25th about 1 month. Some people travel this time.
Christmas in Japan is winter, but in New Zealand is summer. Winter vacation in Japan is not so long. I think it is the best different thing between New Zealand and Japan.
Santa claus's fashion in summer Christmas is same which we image. He comes saying "HO! HO! HO!"
Advertisements of Christmas presents increase. For example, TV commercials inserts. Then children tell their parents,"I want this!"
It is important to write christmas cards in New Zealand. Stamps drown christmas arts are issued then. They write to "Greeding Card" on the envelope. It starts to send cards about christmas's two week's ago. It is like a New Years Card in Japan. In Japan few people send christmas card. Instead, many people send New Years Card. It is very common.
People put these cards on a fire place. It is very important to decide persons who give presents, and go shopping for these presents. It is a very hard work.People give presents for their parents, friends, children and friend's children. In Japan, of course people give christmas presents, but few people give to friend's children.
The number which people give presents may become twenty. But they are not so expensive. These presents may send before christmas like christmas cards, so people put presents under the chrisrtmas tree. The second different thing from Japan is people spend christmas with their family. If they have boy friend or girl friend, they spend with their family. They invite their relatives, they go their grand parent's house... they have a good time with their family. People enjoy christmas not only children but also adult. In Japan, some people spend christmas with their family. But if she or he has a lovers, most people spend with their lovers.
Christmas in New Zealand warm up at 24th the best. But when it becomes next day, it becomes quiet again.Most restaurants, shops are closed at 25th. In Japan, most restaurants and shops are open. Many Japanese go there. But people in New Zealand, spend Christmas at home. People invite relatives, and they enjoy having a luxurious food from lunch. They wear pixie hats, and they have crackers. Some papers written joke go out from those crackers. Then they read those, they laugh. The main dish is a turkey. It is standard food. And we often see people who have a barbecue.In Japan if we spend Christmas at home, many people eat turkey too. But few people barbecue in Japan.
Time in New Zealand delays an hour during summer. It is called Summer Time. It becomes dark at 10 o'clock at Christmas. Many people do water skiing in a lake at 9 or 10 in the evening. After eating dinner, there are a lot of time to play. Christmas in New Zealand continur after 25th about 1 month. Some people travel this time.
Christmas in Japan is winter, but in New Zealand is summer. Winter vacation in Japan is not so long. I think it is the best different thing between New Zealand and Japan.
Santa claus's fashion in summer Christmas is same which we image. He comes saying "HO! HO! HO!"
Advertisements of Christmas presents increase. For example, TV commercials inserts. Then children tell their parents,"I want this!"
It is important to write christmas cards in New Zealand. Stamps drown christmas arts are issued then. They write to "Greeding Card" on the envelope. It starts to send cards about christmas's two week's ago. It is like a New Years Card in Japan. In Japan few people send christmas card. Instead, many people send New Years Card. It is very common.
People put these cards on a fire place. It is very important to decide persons who give presents, and go shopping for these presents. It is a very hard work.People give presents for their parents, friends, children and friend's children. In Japan, of course people give christmas presents, but few people give to friend's children.
The number which people give presents may become twenty. But they are not so expensive. These presents may send before christmas like christmas cards, so people put presents under the chrisrtmas tree. The second different thing from Japan is people spend christmas with their family. If they have boy friend or girl friend, they spend with their family. They invite their relatives, they go their grand parent's house... they have a good time with their family. People enjoy christmas not only children but also adult. In Japan, some people spend christmas with their family. But if she or he has a lovers, most people spend with their lovers.
That's all! I like christmas very much. I can eat delicious food. So I enjoyed researching christmas in New Zealand and in Japan.

Yesterday, December 4 was my boyfriend's birthday! He became twenty six years old. So last week I went shopping for his present. I worried about that, because I didn't know what he wants. I went shopping with my friend. She helped me very much. My boyfriend does surfing. So I bought a watch for surfing. It is waterproof. And, I bought some clothes, a cap. Choosing presents is difficult, but it is interesting too! Yesterday, morning, I made a cake. It looked very delicious! That evening, we ate out at the restaurant. Those dinner were very delicious. Then I gave him presents. He looked happy. So I was relieved. My birthday is December 9! It is after five days. I am very looking forward to coming the day!

Yesterday I went to see illumination at Saisyunkan. It is near Aso, daiichi airport line. There many kinds of illumination there. Snow man, whales, castles, swans, dolphins etc.Those were very beautiful. So I took many pictures. There were many people there. It took 500 yen. I want to go there again!!!
I researched about crime between New Zealand and Japan last summer vacation. So I write that.
We think that New Zealand is safe country. So our wariness become to loose. I thought that yhe rate of crimes in New Zealand was less than Japan before I researched, because when I was watching news in New Zealand, I felt that news about crimes were less than Japan. But I found that there were many kind of crimes in New Zealand. For example, murders, robbers, violation, kidnap etc. The number of tourists who encountered with crimes is big.
In Kumamoto, I think that there are a lot of theif who steal bike or motorbike. I had been stolen two bikes before in Kumamoto. But in New Zealand, the number is less than Kumamoto, because people in New Zealand seldom ride a bike or bicycle. But crimes often occur in New Zealand. One day, my friend forget to close her shoulder bag in New Zealand. Then a man came near us. He told her to close her shoulder bag. She was very surprised. Perhaps in Japan, if a wpman keeps her bag open, nobody told her so. Therefore, a lot of robbery occur in New Zealand. Especially, a lot of crimes of violation happen nationally. Statistics of the police, occurence per 100 thousand people is as thirty two times as Japan. It is very serious. In Rotorua, Auckland, a lot of crimes of violation had happened. In willington, a school girl using a public toilet damaged of violation. In Auckland, a driver of a taxi forced a woman. The other case, a woman was recommended a drink from a man who met at a bar. The drink was contained chemical substance. Then the woman was forced and stealed her cards and cash. In Japan, a lot of crimes of violation happened too. We will never forgive them.
In Japan, crimes of drug are increasing rapidly. Especially young people who have drug are increasing. Recently we can buy drug easily. In New Zealand, a drug called "P" is a serious problem. Because of large quantity using, many people died. And murder involved with drug are increasing too. The rate of using drug in New Zealand is as twenty six times as Japan.
When I was walking street, I found many security camera in New Zealand. Then I searched about those. Those are called "CCTV". CCTV keep taking pictures all day in roads, parks, parking areas, building etc. These are installed by city hall, police, government and other public institution or private enter prise. In Japan, there are a lot of security camera too. But some people say it is invasion of privacy. Prevention of crimes is growing day by day.
Next, In New Zealand, there are many placards written " Caution car picking" or " Lock keys". I saw many times at many places. I found data about car picking in New Zealand. According to the questionnaire for 2500 driver, 18% of them encountered with car picking. In Kumamoto it is decreasing now. The rate of theif in New Zealand is as twice as Japan.
I went many places in New Zealand last summer. There were many beautiful places. Every thing were wonderful. People who I met in New Zealand were all very kind. So It is a pity that there are many crimes in New Zealand. I think that crimes can happen everywhere now. So we have to protect our life by ourselves.
We think that New Zealand is safe country. So our wariness become to loose. I thought that yhe rate of crimes in New Zealand was less than Japan before I researched, because when I was watching news in New Zealand, I felt that news about crimes were less than Japan. But I found that there were many kind of crimes in New Zealand. For example, murders, robbers, violation, kidnap etc. The number of tourists who encountered with crimes is big.
In Kumamoto, I think that there are a lot of theif who steal bike or motorbike. I had been stolen two bikes before in Kumamoto. But in New Zealand, the number is less than Kumamoto, because people in New Zealand seldom ride a bike or bicycle. But crimes often occur in New Zealand. One day, my friend forget to close her shoulder bag in New Zealand. Then a man came near us. He told her to close her shoulder bag. She was very surprised. Perhaps in Japan, if a wpman keeps her bag open, nobody told her so. Therefore, a lot of robbery occur in New Zealand. Especially, a lot of crimes of violation happen nationally. Statistics of the police, occurence per 100 thousand people is as thirty two times as Japan. It is very serious. In Rotorua, Auckland, a lot of crimes of violation had happened. In willington, a school girl using a public toilet damaged of violation. In Auckland, a driver of a taxi forced a woman. The other case, a woman was recommended a drink from a man who met at a bar. The drink was contained chemical substance. Then the woman was forced and stealed her cards and cash. In Japan, a lot of crimes of violation happened too. We will never forgive them.
In Japan, crimes of drug are increasing rapidly. Especially young people who have drug are increasing. Recently we can buy drug easily. In New Zealand, a drug called "P" is a serious problem. Because of large quantity using, many people died. And murder involved with drug are increasing too. The rate of using drug in New Zealand is as twenty six times as Japan.
When I was walking street, I found many security camera in New Zealand. Then I searched about those. Those are called "CCTV". CCTV keep taking pictures all day in roads, parks, parking areas, building etc. These are installed by city hall, police, government and other public institution or private enter prise. In Japan, there are a lot of security camera too. But some people say it is invasion of privacy. Prevention of crimes is growing day by day.
Next, In New Zealand, there are many placards written " Caution car picking" or " Lock keys". I saw many times at many places. I found data about car picking in New Zealand. According to the questionnaire for 2500 driver, 18% of them encountered with car picking. In Kumamoto it is decreasing now. The rate of theif in New Zealand is as twice as Japan.
I went many places in New Zealand last summer. There were many beautiful places. Every thing were wonderful. People who I met in New Zealand were all very kind. So It is a pity that there are many crimes in New Zealand. I think that crimes can happen everywhere now. So we have to protect our life by ourselves.
Last week, I went to Miyazaki with my boyfriend by car. It took about three hours to arrive there. My boyfriend surfboards everyweek. So I went there to watch him surfing. It was very cold there. But he looks very interesting surfboarding! So I thought that I wanted to do surfing too! In Summer, There are many people who do surfing. But there are a few people who surfboarding in winter. It is very hard to do in winter. But I want to surfboard very much!! If I start now, I may do surfing well in next summer! So I said to him that I wanted to do too! He has two boards. So he told me to lend his board to me next time. So I will do surfing next week! I am very looking forward to doing! So I can go Miyazaki again. Then, I want to eat Chikin Nanban very much. I like it very much. There are many kind of surf boards and wet suits. I want them very much. But these are very expensive. There are three kinds of board, long board, fan board and short board. Long board is the easiest board of the three. It is long. So it is easy to ride. Short board is the most difficult of the three. But if someone can ride that, it is very cool! I want fan board the best. Wet suit is very warm. Because of it, we can do surfing in winter. But it is very difficult to wear and take off, because we have to wear that very tightly. If we wear loose, water comes in the wet suit.
I really want to do that!!!
We have to write blogs five times a week, and we have to read an English book a week. So I always borrow books in the library at Kumamoto Gakuen University. But it takes long time for me to read English books. So I always am late for returning books. I have not read English books before I entered University. But I read English books every week. It was very difficult for the first time. But now, I enjoy reading English books now. To read books, We can learn English, We can study words, we can enjoy the story. So it is very good for us to read English books. I will keep reading English books forever!!
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